Welcome to the Archives of The Paul Rudolph Institute for Modern Architecture. The purpose of this online collection is to function as a tool for scholars, students, architects, preservationists, journalists and other interested parties. The archive consists of photographs, slides, articles and publications from Rudolph’s lifetime; physical drawings and models; personal photos and memorabilia; and contemporary photographs and articles.
Some of the materials are in the public domain, some are offered under Creative Commons, and some are owned by others, including the Paul Rudolph Estate. Please speak with a representative of The Paul Rudolph Institute for Modern Architecture before using any drawings or photos in the Archives. In all cases, the researcher shall determine how to appropriately publish or otherwise distribute the materials found in this collection, while maintaining appropriate protection of the applicable intellectual property rights.
In his will, Paul Rudolph gave his Architectural Archives (including drawings, plans, renderings, blueprints, models and other materials prepared in connection with his professional practice of architecture) to the Library of Congress Trust Fund following his death in 1997. A Stipulation of Settlement, signed on June 6, 2001 between the Paul Rudolph Estate and the Library of Congress Trust Fund, resulted in the transfer of those items to the Library of Congress among the Architectural Archives, that the Library of Congress determined suitable for its collections. The intellectual property rights of items transferred to the Library of Congress are in the public domain. The usage of the Paul M. Rudolph Archive at the Library of Congress and any intellectual property rights are governed by the Library of Congress Rights and Permissions.
However, the Library of Congress has not received the entirety of the Paul Rudolph architectural works, and therefore ownership and intellectual property rights of any materials that were not selected by the Library of Congress may not be in the public domain and may belong to the Paul Rudolph Estate.
City: Quogue
State: New York
Zip Code:
Nation: United States
Type: Residence
Status: Project
Date(s): 1969
Site Area:
Floor Area:
Floors (Above Ground):
Building Cost:
Architect: Paul Rudolph
Associate Architect:
Raich Residence
According to the owners of the nearby Siegel Residence designed by Rudolph in 1978, during a trip to meet them to discuss their project, Rudolph visited the site to see what was built instead of his design. Rudolph was upset to learn that the house had been built using his ideas and drawings, but the design was changed without consulting him and he had been told the project was never built.
Photos of what was built are in the ‘Completed Project’ project album below. The photos were taken by Molly Adams, a free-lance garden photographer who photographed hundreds of private and public gardens, many of them in the mid-Atlantic region, from the late 1950s through the mid-1990s. According to a description of them by Adams, “with a house designed by architect Paul Rudolph, this site took advantage of its seaside location in its landscape design and planting. The landscaping includes extensive use of beach grasses, pines, and native plants in a naturalized setting. Container gardening may be found in areas adjacent to the site's built structures.”
“The Raich vacation house, facing the Atlantic Ocean, utilizes unfolding, large scale, prefabricated elements and will demonstrate the flexibility in plan and section of such units.”
DRAWINGS - Design Drawings / Renderings
DRAWINGS - Construction Drawings
DRAWINGS - Shop Drawings
PHOTOS - Project Model
PHOTOS - During Construction
PHOTOS - Completed Project
PHOTOS - Current Conditions
Rudolph, P. and Moholy-Nagy, S. (1970). The Architecture of Paul Rudolph. New York: Praeger, p. 231.