Paul Rudolph, A.I.A.
Born: October 23, 1918 in Elkton, Kentucky
Died: August 08, 1997 in New York City
Alabama Polytechnic Institute - 1935-1940
Bachelor of Architecture - Alabama Polytechnic Institute, 1940
Harvard Graduate School of Design - 1940-1943
Architectural Fellow - Harvard University, 1941-1942
Master of Architecture - Harvard University, 1947
Doctor of Arts (Honorary) - Colgate University, 1966
Doctor of Fine Arts (Honorary) - Southeastern Massachusetts University, 1970
Doctor of Fine Arts (Honorary) - Florida State University, 1970
Doctor of Humanities (Honorary) - Auburn University, 1972
Doctor of Humanities (Honorary) - Emory University, 1981
Draftsman - Van Keuren, Davis and Company - Birmingham, Alabama, 1940-1941
Ralph Twitchell - Sarasota, Florida, 1941-1947
Officer-in-Charge, Ship Construction - U.S. Naval Reserve, Brooklyn Navy Yard, 1943-1946
Twitchell & Rudolph - Sarasota, Florida, 1947-1951
Wheelwright Traveling Fellowship in Architecture - Harvard Graduate School of Design, 1948-1949. Countries visited include England, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, Italy, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, and Greece.
Paul Rudolph, Architect - Sarasota, Florida, 1952-1960
Visiting Critic - Cornell, Tulane, Harvard, Princeton, University of California, University of Pennsylvania - 1951-1956
Visiting Lecturer - Yale, Cornell, Toronto, Tulane, Harvard, Princeton, Smith College, Clemson College, Georgia Institute of Technology, Institute of Design of Illinois Institute of Technology, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, University of Florida, University of Pennsylvania, University of California - 1951-1958
Chairman, Department of Architecture - Yale University, 1958-1965
Lecture, ‘The Rise and Fall of the Curtain Wall’ - January 26, 1961 at the Corcoran Gallery of Art
Paul Rudolph, Architect - Offices in New Haven, Connecticut; Cambridge, Massachusetts and New York, New York, 1962
Member - Navy Review & Advisory Panel, Washington D.C., 1965
Paul Rudolph, Architect - 26 West 58th Street, New York, New York 10019, 1966-1969
Paul Rudolph, Architect - 54 West 57th Street, New York, New York 10019, 1969-1990
Invited Participant - International Conference of Architects, Tehran, Iran, 1970
Paul Rudolph, Architect - 33 Commercial Wharf South, Boston, Massachusetts 02110, 1972
Juror - Roosevelt Island Housing competition, sponsored by the New York State Urban Development Corporation, New York, New York, 1974-1975
Participant - Various architecture conferences - 1985
Paul Rudolph, Architect - 246 East 58th Street, New York, New York 10022, 1990-1991
Paul Rudolph, Architect - 23 Beekman Place, New York, New York, 1991-1997
Architectural Registration
New York, Florida, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Alabama, District of Columbia, New Jersey, Rhode Island, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Georgia
Honors and Awards
First Prize - Rorimer Competition, American Institute of Decorators, 1940
Selected to design a model house by the Revere Copper and Brass Company, 1948
Award of Merit for Best House of the Year - American Institute of Architects, 1949
Designs selected for inclusion in the annual habitations edition of L’Architecture d’aujourdhui as representative of the best new residential architecture in the USA, 1950-1951
Included among 21 architects whose work was featured in a special edition of young architects in the Magazine of Building, 1951
Two designs selected for inclusion among 42 examples of significant post-war architecture featured in the book Built in the USA, published by the Museum of Modern Art in New York, NY, 1953
Outstanding Young Architects Award - Sao Paulo (Brazil) International Competition, 1954
Residence selected by the Architectural Record as one of the fifty most significant buildings completed since 1900, 1956
Arnold Brunner Prize in Architecture - American Academy of Arts and Letters, 1958
Included in the book Masters of Modern Architecture, 1958
Award of Merit, Homes for Better Living Awards - American Institute of Architects in cooperation with House & Home and McCall’s, 1959
Invited to the World Design Conference in Tokyo, 1960
Member of the Citizens Advisory Committee for Federal Participation in the New York World’s Fair, 1961
Architectural Award for Commercial Building Category (Blue Cross Blue Shield Building) - Boston Arts Festival, 1961
Award of Merit for Sarasota High School - American Institute of Architects Honor Awards Program, 1962
Honorable Mention - Gold Medal Committee, Architectural League of New York, 1962
Residence selected as one of the Record Houses of 1962 by the Architectural Record, 1962
Guest speaker at the National Home Fashions League meeting at the Grand Ballroom of the Plaza Hotel in NYC, on May 24, 1963
Award of Excellence for House Design (Milam Residence) - Architectural Record, 1963
Speaks at the Annual International Design Conference in Aspen Colorado in August, 1964
First Honor Award for Art and Architecture Building - American Institute of Architects, 1964
Award of Merit for Temple Street Parking Garage - American Institute of Architects, 1964
Annual Award for Endo Laboratories - Concrete Industry Board of New York, 1964
Judge, along with Pietro Belluschi, Richard Tucker, John Merrill and Lawrence Halprin, of a design competition for a new Civic Center and City Hall building for Fremont, California, 1965
Citation for Outstanding Collaboration between Architecture and the Allied Arts - Gold Medal Committee, The Architectural League of New York, 1965
Honor Award for Design Excellence (Crawford Manor) - United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1966
Medal of Honor - New York Chapter, American Institute of Architects, 1969
Fellow - American Institute of Architects, 1970
Honor Award (Arts & Humanities Building at Southeastern Massachusetts University) - New England Regional Council, American Institute of Architects, 1970
Invited by the University of Southern California to present the lecture ‘Modules and Megastructures’ at the reception for the groundbreaking of the new School of Architecture and Fine Arts on September 21, 1971
Invited by the government of Iran to participate in an International Conference of Architects in Tehran, Iran
Award of Merit for Tracey Towers - Concrete Industry Board of New York, 1973
Honor Award for Services to Architecture - La Federacion Panamericana de Asociaciones de Arquitectos, 1975
Honorary Member - El Instituto de Arquitectos de Puerto Rico, 1975
Invited by Colgate University to receive an honorary doctorate and gave the speech, “Urban Design,” 1975
Fellow - American Society of Interior Designers, 1976
Honorary Professor - La Universidad Nacional “Federico Villarreal”, Lima, Peru, 1977
Elsie de Wolfe Award - American Society of Interior Designers, 1977
Visiting Critic at the University of Houston College of Architecture, 1981
Walter Gropius lecturer at Harvard University, 1982
Invited by the Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies to participate in a symposium for architects held at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, 1982
Plym distinguished professorship in architecture - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1983-1984
Emmy Award for ‘Spaces: The Architecture of Paul Rudolph’, 1984
Invited under the auspices of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture to participate in a regional seminar on ‘Architecture and the Role of Architects in Southern Asia’, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1985
Architectural drawings acquired by the Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York as part of the ‘Architectural Drawings Collection’, 1985
Invited by the Associazion a Degli Industrali della Provincia di Firenze to participate in the international conference ‘Firenze Nuova Primavera’ in Florence, Italy, 1986
Creative Arts Award - Brandeis University, 1986
Invited by the Singapore Institute of Planners to deliver the keynote address for the International Convention on Urban Planning, Housing and Design in Singapore, 1986
Guest Lecturer in a symposium panel ‘New York: Is There a Place For Architecture?’ at Montana State University School of Architecture, 1987
Guest Lecturer at ‘Architecture in Context - Paul Rudolph’ at the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, 1987
Invited by Grupo Panorama to participate in the International Congress ‘Cities of the Future 1987’ in Sao Paolo, Brazel, 1987
Academician of the International Academy of Architecture in Sofia, Bulgaria, 1987
Guest Lecturer at ‘Dreams and Details’ - The Steelcase Design Partnership, 1989
Guest Lecturer at ‘Paul Rudolph: Drawings towards Architecture’ - Roger Williams College, 1992
Guest Lecturer at the Cooper-Hewitt Museum, 1993
Guest Lecturer at the National Institute for Architectural Education (NIAE), 1993
American Institute of Architects, 1957-1970
Advisory Board, RCA Advanced Designing and Styling Center, 1960
Citizens Advisory Committee for Federal Participation in the New York World’s Fair, 1961
Architectural League of New York
Museum of Modern Art
American Society of Interior Designers
The National Citizens Committee for the Amendment to End the War, 1970
National Institute of Arts and Letters, 1970-1997
‘Built in USA: Post-War Architecture’ - Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York, January 20 - March 15, 1953
‘National Gold Medal Exhibition of the Building Arts’ - Jewett Arts Center, Wellesley College, 1960
‘The Work of Paul Rudolph, Architect’ - Yale Art Gallery, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, November 9, 1963 - January 6, 1964. The exhibition in connection with the dedication of the Yale Art & Architecture building, includes 39 architectural works in the form of models, drawings, photographs and renderings.
‘Architecture-USA’ - United States Department of State for exhibition abroad, 1965
‘Artist as Planner’ - Visual Arts Gallery at Ulster County Community College, December 06 - December 30, 1969
‘Work in Progress: Architects by Philip Johnson, Kevin Roche and Paul Rudolph’ - Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York, October 2, 1970 - January 3, 1971
Modular Housing Exhibition, 1973
‘Inaugural Exhibit: Dattner, Jonas, Rudolph, Attie, Brolin, Perron’ - Spaced: Gallery of Architecture, New York, New York, October-November 1975
‘Paul Rudolph: Renderings of Architectural Space’ - Gunn Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, April 16 - May 16, 1979
‘Paul Rudolph: Drawings from 1947-1978’ - Spaced: Gallery of Architecture, New York, New York, June 15 - July 28, 1979
‘Transformations in Modern Architecture’ - Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York, February 21 - April 24, 1979
Kelmscott Gallery, Chicago, Illinois, 1982
‘Architectural "Follies": Drawings & Models’ - Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, New York and James Corcoran Gallery, Los Angeles, California, October 22 - November 19, 1983
Taman Ismail Marzuki Exhibition - Jakarta, Indonesia, 1984
‘Paul Rudolph: Projects 1949-1985’ - Max Protech Gallery, New York, New York, February 5 - March 1, 1986
Exhibition at the Burroughs Wellcome Corporate Headquarters, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, 1986
‘Space: The Architecture of Paul Rudolph’ at Montana State University, School of Architecture, 1987
‘Architecture in Context - Paul Rudolph’ at the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, 1987
‘Paul Rudolph: Drawings for the Art & Architecture Building at Yale 1959-1963’ - Yale University School of Architecture, 1988
‘Paul Rudolph: Dreams and Details’ - Steelcase Design Partnership, New York, New York, January 11 - February 17, 1989
‘Paul Rudolph: Drawings towards Architecture’ - Roger Williams College, 1992
‘From Concept to Building: A Project in Singapore by Architect Paul Rudolph’ - Cooper-Hewitt Museum, New York, New York, November 9, 1993 - February 20, 1994
‘Paul Rudolph: Explorations in Modern Architecture 1976-1993’ - National Institute for Architectural Education (NIAE), New York, New York, November 17, 1993 - February 12, 1994
‘Modern Living II’ in the series ‘Making Choices’ - Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York, April 26, 2000 - September 26, 2000.
‘Open Ends’ - Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York, September 28, 2000 - March 4, 2001
‘The Changing of the Avant-Garde: Visionary Drawings from the Howard Gilman Collection’ - Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York, October 24, 2002 - January 6, 2003
‘Tall Buildings’ - Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York, July 16 - September 27, 2004
‘Architecture and Design Drawings: Inaugural Installation’ - Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York, November 20, 2004 - March 21, 2005
‘Paul Rudolph and the Architecture of the UMass Dartmouth Campus: A Symposium’ - UMass Dartmouth, North Dartmouth, Massachusetts, April 13, 2005
‘75 Years of Architecture at MoMA’ - Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York, November 16, 2007 - March 31, 2008
‘Home Delivery: Fabricating the Modern Dwelling’ - Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York, July 20 - October 20, 2008
‘Model City: Buildings and Projects by Paul Rudolph for Yale and New Haven’ - Yale School of Architecture, New Haven, Connecticut, November 03, 2008 - February 15, 2009
‘Dreamland: Architectural Experiments since the 1970s’ - Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York, July 23, 2008 - March 2, 2009
‘Paul Rudolph: Lower Manhattan Expressway’ - The Cooper Union, New York, New York, October 01 - November 14, 2010
‘194X-9/11: American Architects and the City’ - Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York, July 1, 2011 - January 2, 2012
‘Endless House: Intersections of Art and Architecture’ - Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York, June 27, 2015 - March 6, 2016
‘From the Collection: 1960-1969’ - Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York, March 26, 2016 - March 19, 2017
‘Paul Rudolph Centenary Display’ - Library of Congress, Washington DC, September 18 - November 5, 2018
‘Paul Rudolph: The Personal Laboratory’ - Modulightor, New York, New York, October 4 - December 30, 2018
‘Paul Rudolph: The Hong Kong Journey’ - Center for Architecture, New York, New York, November 29, 2018 - March 9, 2019
‘Shoreline: Remembering a Waterfront Vision’ - El Museo, Buffalo, New York, October 4 – November 16, 2019